Consciousness is where creation comes from, ALL creation comes from consciousness.
Everything you experience is an extension of your own Energy. It’s ALL you.
Nothing is taking energy from you.
No one can take your energy from you – you need not take energy from others.
Your own energy is all you ever need in this life experience.
Energy is different from consciousness.
Everything is energy, Consciousness is Everything.
You can perceive a consciousness that is different than yours, but Everything is your Energy.
Other people are a reflection of your own reality.
Everything is energy, Consciousness is everything.
Start moving through life by not creating separation. Not going into judgement, but understanding that another person is merely a different consciousness than the consciousness you know as you.
You can recognize another is of a different consciousness without judging them as wrong…or right.
You can say “this feels aligned, this feels good”.
What trips you up is when you perceive something has gone wrong, is bad or out of your control.
You go into a state of Unconsciousness, powerlessness, fear and overwhelm.
You resist, react, shut down.
You find your self in a state of suffering and struggle very quickly.
That is what you have done in the past-But that is NOT how you move forward.
Now you might say “this is happening to people I care about”-like you are watching it on the news.
Understand you are not helpless.
It is important that you stay in your power, stay conscious.
What creates chaos is a lack of consciousness, a lack of presence.
There is no problem that has ever been solved from the same perspective or viewpoint that created the problem.
If you want to create anything in the world, you must first create it within yourself.
Allow yourself to be in the vibration of joy, peace and harmony within You.
In all Circumstances it’s all you. Remember -The first step is Always You-Focus on the state of your consciousness. Breathe, step back, go back to a higher state of consciousness.
What the world needs from you is for you to stay conscious and in the present in the moment and create within You what you most desire in the world around you.
Remember, you are the powerful creator of Your reality.
It is so.
Follow the light-Follow “this feels good, this feels aligned.”
Step back when you feel a wall, don’t judge, just go back into alignment.